I will be posting schedules for changeovers a minimum of 2 weeks before the date to be worked. If you can not work a scheduled day, you need to contact me via email 1 week prior to the shift you can not work. There are always exceptions for emergencies, but in general, if you do not show up to a scheduled shift you will be given a warning. If there is an emergency call me or leave a message at 413-545-3395.
If you are scheduled for a changeover and you can work it, email me with the date and yes in the subject. Example: oct 8 yes
If you are scheduled for a changeover and you can't work it, email me with the date and no in the subject. Example: oct 8 no
If you are not scheduled for a changeover and you want to be a replacement for it, email me the date and rep in the subject. Example oct 8 rep
I try to be fair and impartial scheduling. If you want more shifts, email to be a replacement for all the changeovers you aren't scheduled for. The more shifts your are a replacement for, the more likely you are to get more hours. If you want less shifts or are not on any of the schedules, email me and let me know. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.